Shareware Games Galore!
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This amusing program draws mazes. To run it, enter:
The optional /B argument makes the program beep after mazes
are completed. You probably won't want this unless you draw
extremely detailed mazes that take a few minutes, and you want to
be alerted when they're done.
When the program starts, it asks for the desired maze
dimensions and automatically adjusts for the type of graphics
adapter you have. Enter the dimensions, or zero to quit. If
you enter nonzero dimensions, the program draws the maze, and
when done, waits for a keystroke. Press any key to draw another
maze or quit. That's all!
The larger the dimensions you enter, the more detailed the
maze you'll produce. Obviously, more detail requires more drawing
time, but even with the highest resolution, AMAZEMENT is pretty
quick. Our experience is that most people can't find their way
through mazes with dimensions greater than 50-100, so higher
resolution is a pretty moot point, though AMAZEMENT does support
To abort the program at any time, press Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break.
FOR PARENTS: Even if you're not a maze freak yourself, mazes
are great for keeping the kids occupied on long car trips. For
the young ones, we suggest dimensions of 20 or less.
FOR PSYCHOLOGY STUDENTS: This is just the thing to keep your
white rats from getting bored!
FOR GARDENERS: If you've ever wanted to set up a hedge maze,
AMAZEMENT will get you started!
To print mazes, you must have a dot matrix or laser printer
and a program to put the screen image on paper. If you have an
IBM compatible dot matrix printer and a Color Graphics Adapter,
you can use the program GRAPHICS.COM that comes with DOS. Simply
enter GRAPHICS before running AMAZEMENT. After the maze is
drawn, get your printer ready and press Shift-PrtSc (the "print
screen" key). If you did everything right, you should get a nice
paper copy of the maze.
If you have another type of graphics adapter or printer,
you'll need a print screen program specifically written for your
hardware. There are a number of good public domain programs that
fit the bill. Check your local computer users' group or
electronic bulletin board.
You need the following to run AMAZEMENT:
■ MS-DOS or PC-DOS, version 2.0 or later
■ IBM PC, PS/2, or compatible machine
■ Graphics adapter
1. AMAZEMENT supports the MCGA, Hercules(R) Graphics Card,
Graphics Card Plus, Incolor Card, and 100% compatibles. However
support for Hercules(R) & MCGA adapters is experimental.
Individuals using AMAZEMENT with either of these adapters are
encouraged to forward any comments to the author.
2. If you have a Hercules(R) card, you run the driver program
MSHERC.COM (supplied with this package) before using AMAZEMENT.
We recommend loading MSHERC.COM as part of your AUTOEXEC.BAT
file. If you have both a Hercules(R) monochrome card and a color
video card, use the argument /H with MSHERC.
AMAZEMENT reports the following exit codes to DOS (you can
use these with the ERRORLEVEL function in batch files):
0 Normal termination
1 Operator aborted
2 Error occurred
This package contains the following files:
AMAZE.EXE Main program
AMAZE.DOC Documentation
REGISTER.DOC Registration form
VENDOR.DOC Catalog of other software available
FILE_ID.DIZ For use by electronic bulletin boards
1.00 Original program
1.01 Fine tuned code to make it smaller
Made dimension input more foolproof
1.02 Fixed exit message bug
1.10 Made beep upon maze completion an option vice default
2.00 Fixed bug that made program use only half of CGA screen
Added support for Hercules(R) & MCGA
NOTE: A Windows version of AMAZEMENT is in the works. Using the
Microsoft Windows environment will eliminate the compatibility
problems with various graphics adapters and printers. Coming
soon to a bulletin board near you!
Requires graphics adapter. To use AMAZEMENT, your computer must
have a special circuit board that lets your screen display
pictures (i.e., something other than straight text).
Couldn't set video mode. Your graphics adapter is probably a
type that AMAZEMENT doesn't recognize. Sorry about that!
AMAZEMENT was written in C by Richard W. Adams. It was
developed with PC-Write, version 3.02, & the Microsoft C
Optimizing Compiler, version 5.1.
The author is a member of the Association of Shareware
Professionals (ASP). You may reach him at the address given in
REGISTER.DOC. Should that address no longer be valid, try
contacting him through the ASP.
AMAZEMENT is copyright 1990 by Richard W. Adams, all rights
reserved. The program is "shareware." If you use AMAZEMENT for
more than 30 days, you must register. To do so, complete the
registration form in REGISTER.DOC & send it a check for the
indicated amount to the author at the address on the form.
When you register, you receive:
o The right to use your copy of AMAZEMENT on a single
o Free technical support by mail for three months.
o Eligibility for free copies of future versions if you're
the first to suggest improvements or report bugs that are
fixed/incorporated in future versions.
Not only is registration a legal & ethical requirement, but
registration fees give shareware authors the incentive to develop
new software & improve old ones.
Tax exempt Christian religious organizations & churches are
eligible for free registration of AMAZEMENT for official
business. Send a written request to the author, & you'll receive
registration forms. The registration takes effect when you
complete return the forms. This is a charitable donation.
Companies, government agencies & other organizations may
obtain site licenses for AMAZEMENT, at greatly reduced unit
costs. Contact the author for details & a price list.
Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software
before buying it. If you try a Shareware program and continue
using it, you are expected to register. Individual programs
differ on details--some request registration, others require it,
and some specify a maximum trial period. With registration, you
get anything from the simple right to continue using the software
to an updated program with printed manual.
Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and commercial
software, and the copyright holder retains all rights, with a few
specific exceptions as stated below. Shareware authors are
accomplished programmers, just like commercial authors, and the
programs are of comparable quality. (In both cases, there are
good programs and bad ones!) The main difference is in the
method of distribution. The author specifically grants the right
to copy and distribute the software, either to all and sundry or
to a specific group. For example, some authors require written
permission before a commercial disk vendor may copy their
Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software.
You should find software that suits your needs and pocketbook,
whether it's commercial or Shareware. The Shareware system makes
fitting your needs easier, because you can try before you buy.
And because the overhead is low, prices are low also. Shareware
has the ultimate money-back guarantee--if you don't use the
product, you don't pay for it.
Users of AMAZEMENT must accept this disclaimer of warranty:
"AMAZEMENT is supplied as is. The author disclaims all
warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation,
the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose.
The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or
consequential, which may result from the use of AMAZEMENT."
AMAZEMENT is a Shareware program and is provided at no charge
for your evaluation. Feel free to share it with your friends,
but please don't give it away altered or as part of another
system. The essence of "user-supported" software is to provide
personal computer users with quality software without high
prices, and yet to provide incentive for programmers to continue
to develop new products. If you find AMAZEMENT useful and
continue to use it after a reasonable trial period, you must make
a registration payment of $10.00 to the author. The $10.00
registration fee will license one copy for use on any one
computer at any one time. You must treat this software just like
a book. An example is that any number of people may use this
software and may freely move it from one computer location to
another, so long as there is no possibility of it being used at
one location while it's being used at another. Just as two
different people can't read a book at the same time.
Commercial users of AMAZEMENT must register and pay for their
copies of AMAZEMENT within 30 days of first use or their license
is withdrawn. Site-License arrangements may be made by
contacting the author.
Anyone distributing AMAZEMENT for any kind of remuneration
must first contact the author for authorization. This
authorization will be automatically granted to distributors
recognized by the (ASP) as adhering to its guidelines for
shareware distributors, and such distributors may begin offering
AMAZEMENT immediately. (However, you must still advise the author
so the distributor can be kept up-to-date with the latest version
You are encouraged to pass a copy of AMAZEMENT to your
friends for evaluation. Please encourage them to register their
copy if they find that they can use it.
You may copy & distribute AMAZEMENT freely, as long as you:
o Don't distribute it for commercial purposes without written
permission from the author.
o Don't rent or lease it.
o Include all constituent files.
o Don't change the software or documentation.
o Charge no fee other than a nominal one to cover distribution
The author is a member of the Association of Shareware
Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware
principle works for you. If you can't resolve a shareware related
problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP
may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a
dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide
technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP
Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442 or send a
CompuServe mail message to the ASP Ombudsman (70007,3536).
____|__ | (R)
--| | |-------------------
| ____|__ | Association of
| | |_| Shareware
|__| o | Professionals
-----| | |---------------------
|___|___| MEMBER